
Have time to nap while waiting for reports to generate in PortfolioCenter?  Here are 5 ways to reduce processing time.

1. Before starting the print job, close every non-essential program to free as much memory as possible.

2. Start the defragmenter when you leave today and let it run overnight.  I suggest running a defrag every week.

3. Invest in a program like Registry Mechanic that keeps your system optimized,  They cost about $30/year in licensing fees but can extend the life of your computer.

4. Regularly check for spyware, adware, and malware.  There are many free programs (like Spybot) that remove spyware.  Or PCTools (the makers of Registry Mechanic) has a suite of programs that includes removing spyware.

5. Try upgrading the main memory on your machine.  That’s a relatively cheap fix (compared to a new computer) that can greatly decrease your processing time.  I’d upgrade to the maximum amount of RAM your machine will hold.  Two main factors will influence your report processing:  processing speed of your hard drive and amount of RAM.  Next time you buy new hardware, invest in processing speed and RAM.  Then perform regular maintenance (like optimizing, Spyware removal, defragmentation, etc.) to keep it fast.  These problems above could be doubling or tripling your processing time.

And when was the last time you reindexed your database?

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