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Buying a computer

The next version of PortfolioCenter – expected Fall 2012 – will require Windows Vista, 7, or Server 2008.  The right choices for disk, processor and memory are important when you choose a PC to run PortfolioCenter.

When you shop for a computer, even if you have a favorite store or brand, you have to make choices that will affect how well PortfolioCenter will run.  Here are some tips to take to the store with you:

  • If you can, choose a multi-CPU system.  If not, choose a multi-core CPU.  Either way, higher GHz ratings are usually better.
  • Choose 64-bit Windows Professional or Ultimate.
  • Purchase as much memory as you can.  16GB is a good goal.
  • If you can make disk choices, we recommend RAID1 (disk redundancy and read improvement, but no improvement when writing) or RAID0 (read and write improvement, but no redundancy) using SATA disks.  If you have many accounts in PortfolioCenter, you may want to choose RAID1 or RAID0 made with 15000 RPM SAS disks instead.  Solid-state disks (SSD) are also excellent choices.

Also look at your network infrastructure:

  • If your PortfolioCenter database is located on a different computer, your network speed will make a big difference in performance.  You should upgrade an older 10/100Mb network  to a gigabit (Gb) network.  Although you probably won’t see any improvement in your Internet performance, PortfolioCenter should respond much better.
  • If you are part of a larger firm and you either use PortfolioCenter when traveling or if you work in a remote office, your PortfolioCenter’s data may be located in another building.  While these connections can work, PortfolioCenter’s performance will suffer.  Consider switching to a remote access solution such as LogMeIn or GoToMyPC and leave your PortfolioCenter computer in the office instead of carrying PortfolioCenter with you.  (By the way, this is much better for security as well.)

Your network administrator can help you plan these changes.

Next in Series: Should I buy a new computer or upgrade?
Previous in Series: Buying a computer to run PortfolioCenter 4: Memory size

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