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Accurate Performance

Accurate Performance Krisan's BackOffice Inc
  • Krisan Marotta invented outsourcing the back office for investment managers in 1992.
  • We ensure accurate performance.
  • We provide comprehensive, personalized PortfolioCenter data management.
  • We offer full-service support, fast turnaround, customized reports tailored to your clients’ needs, and a secure transfer of data and reports.
  • With over 20 years of experience, we know every aspect of PortfolioCenter and work with a wide-variety of custodians.
  • With Krisan, you know an expert will be handling your data. So you want to know your data is being done right, not just being reconciled.
  • By outsourcing herself, Krisan keeps her overhead extremely low, making her data management services the best bargain in the business.