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Cost Basis and Cash Invested explained

Cost Basis and Cash Invested explained

On most PortfolioCenter Holdings reports, you’ll find a column for Cost Basis and Cash invested. Sometimes the numbers are identical and sometimes they differ wildly.  Why? Cost Basis is the value of an asset for tax purposes.  It is the total price paid for an...
Bifurcation Handling in PortfolioCenter 5.5

Bifurcation Handling in PortfolioCenter 5.5

PortfolioCenter 5.5 makes it easier to manage bifurcated average cost positions.   On the Matching Method tab of the portfolio details, you’ll find a new Bifurcation Handling check box.  By default, this box is checked and set to bifurcate lots acquired before...
PortfolioCenter Management Fee Deduction Options

PortfolioCenter Management Fee Deduction Options

When billing a household group, you have two options for deducting your management fees. 1) Deduct the entire fee from one account in the group. For example, suppose Marvel Financial Planning client Carol Danvers has a taxable account, a variety of Roths, and an UGMA...