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Wondering which reports allow the use of  indices and targets?  As a rule of thumb, you can display an index and/or a target on any report in PortfolioCenter that includes a Time-Weighted Return calculation — which is most of the performance reports.  Here’s the list.

Traditional Analytical Reports
Performance Report Include Index? Include Target?
Portfolio Performance Summary Yes Yes
Portfolio Performance Review Yes Yes
Portfolio Performance History Yes Yes
Position Performance Summary No No
Asset Class Performance Summary Yes Yes, also includes the Target/Asset Index List
Asset Class Performance History Yes, if you display portfolio return Yes, also includes the Target/Asset Index List
Performance Analysis Yes.  A “market index” is required for some calculations. Yes, also includes the Target/Asset Index List
Comparative Portfolio Performance Yes Yes
Comparative Performance Review Yes Yes
Graphical Portfolio Statement 1 & 2 No, for text section; the graph section depends on the graph No, for text section; the graph section depends on the graph
Graphical Portfolio Performance Review 1 & 2 Yes, for the text section; the graph section depends on the graph Yes, for the text section; the graph section depends on the graph
Portfolio Allocation No No
Performance vs. Benchmarks Yes Yes
Components of Change in Portfolio Value No No
Portfolio Value vs. Cumulative Net Investment No No
Graphical Performance History Yes Yes
Graphical Comparative Performance Yes Yes
Presentation Studio Report Elements
Performance Report Include Index? Include Target?
Portfolio Overview,
Overview Three Pane
Yes Yes
Performance Two_Pane_Landscape Yes Yes
Allocation by Category No No
Account Performance Summary Table Yes Yes
Asset class Performance Summary Consolidated Table Yes Yes
Asset class Performance Summary Detailed Table Yes Yes

Unless otherwise noted, when you can display an index you can display up to 5.