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Can I run PortfolioCenter on a Mac

Q.I run PortfolioCenter as a stand alone application on a laptop which just crashed.  I think the hard drive is dead!  I’d like to take this opportunity to switch to a Mac. If I use Parallels or VMFusion, can I run PortfoiloCenter on a Mac? Please say yes!

A. Yes — and no.  You can run PortfolioCenter using Windows on your Mac via a program like Boot Camp.

However, Schwab Performance Technologies does NOT recommend this option and they offer no support for it.  If you choose to go this route, you are on your own as far as support.

But your options for using a Mac may improve next year.  A hosted version of PortfolioCenter is in development and is due out in mid-2013.  With PortfolioCenter Hosted, you will be able to access PortfolioCenter from your laptop, tablet, or desktop – most likely including a Mac.  But the cost of this option has not yet been announced.


Investment News: Hosted PortfolioCenter pilot in the works
RIABiz: Schwab moves to keep 3,500 desktop-bound RIAs from walking onto somebody else’s cloud
The Street: Schwab Performance Technologies Announces Development Of Hosted Version Of PortfolioCenter

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