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Understanding Billing in PortfolioCenter

Understanding Billing in PortfolioCenter

It’s so easy to set up billing in PortfolioCenter, you might be tempted to skip learning how and why it works.  Yet, that understanding is crucial to ensuring that PortfolioCenter is calculating fees the way you intend it to bill.  Here’s everything you...
PortfolioCenter Bill History explained

PortfolioCenter Bill History explained

Q.Can you explain the what the Bill History is in PortfolioCenter and how to use it?  It nevers seems right. A.Sure! The Bill History tracks the management fees calculated by PortfolioCenter for each group and portfolio.  The fee amounts in the Bill History may not...
PortfolioCenter Billing Checklist

PortfolioCenter Billing Checklist

If you don’t have a PortfolioCenter quarterly billing checklist, now — before your next billing cycle — is a good time to make one. Checklists offer two important benefits. 1) They aid memory recall (especially in repeated tasks where it is easy to...