by Krisan Marotta | Jul 12, 2011 | KBO, Tech Help
When was the last time you re-indexed your PortfolioCenter database? If you answered some time in the last week, you don’t need to read on. Just as arranging your bookshelf alphabetically enables you to locate a specific book more quickly, the Re-index utility...
by Krisan Marotta | Jun 30, 2011 | Billing, KBO
The PortfolioCenter Billing Summary report is not a reliable tool to verify the accuracy of your client invoices. Review the actual invoices instead. First, format your invoices so they contain enough information to clearly explain how fees are calculated. (Your...
by Krisan Marotta | Jun 29, 2011 | KBO, Random Musings
I just made my first two Kiva loans. Through Kiva, I loaned money to Sofik, a widow in Armenia and Afag, a married mother of three in Azerbaijan. Both women need a micro-loan to buy new sewing machines for their small clothing businesses. I love to sew. The Kiva...
by Krisan Marotta | Jun 28, 2011 | Cost Basis, KBO
Cost basis is the cornerstone of your realized and unrealized gain/loss calculations. The matching method you select for closing transactions greatly influences cost basis. Recent legislation requiring custodians to track cost basis makes understanding your...
by Krisan Marotta | Jun 24, 2011 | KBO, Outsourcing
If you’re considering outsourcing, check out this article in Investment News: Outsourcing peripheral tasks lets advisers focus on growth, clients By Andrew Osterland, June 19, 2011 When David Marotta started his advisory practice in 2000, he was tempted to get...
by Krisan Marotta | Jun 4, 2011 | KBO, Tech Help
Have time to nap while waiting for reports to generate in PortfolioCenter? Here are 5 ways to reduce processing time. 1. Before starting the print job, close every non-essential program to free as much memory as possible. 2. Start the defragmenter when you leave...