Krisan’s BackOffice Articles
These articles from Krisan’s BackOffice, Inc (1993-2024). They are no longer being updated and the information may be out of date.
How do I find the stock merger ratio?
You need the share exchange ratio to process a stock merger in the PortfolioCenter transaction writer. But how do you find it?
PortfolioCenter Quarter End Checklist
Does it take too much time to finish your quarter reports because small problems slow you down? You can be ready for quarter end by performing some quick basic checks the week before the quarter ends. Running through the checklist below -- before the quarter ends, ...
Managerial lessons from game mastering
Games can teach us a lot about life. They simplify our goals and provide us with limited enough options that we can thoroughly analyze different strategies of achieving those goals. Each game has associated skills that are useful elsewhere – I despised math classes...
Does the NYSE closure affect PortfolioCenter?
On July 8, 2015, trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was temporarily halted for a few hours as the result of “an internal technical issue” that was “not the result of a cyber breach.” Does that affect PortfolioCenter?...
Why does the dividend looks like a loss in PortfolioCenter?
Q. In PortfolioCenter, it appears my clients have a large loss, when in fact they have a gain. Is it advisable to alter the data?
How to delete billing history in PortfolioCenter
PortfolioCenter 5.10 offers some nice new billing features. My favorite: You can now globally clean up the billing history! I've been asking for this ability for a long time because it's easy to get the billing history out of sync with the actual management fees....
SEC Audit: Beware having client passwords
One manager here in Virginia recently enjoyed a surprise SEC Audit. When the examiner learned she had client user ids and passwords (so that she could access their 401k plans to retrieve statements for manual entry), the examiner had her log on to each account. He...
Handling closed accounts in PortfolioCenter
In PortfolioCenter removing a closed account from a group you use for reports is a bad idea 99% of the time. While confusing, the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
Using Groups and Sets in PortfolioCenter
The right combination of Sets and Groups can streamline both your database and your common PortfolioCenter tasks.
Only 20% of advisors avoid active management strategies
When fund managers actively trade a stock fund it produces lower returns than if they trade less than 15% each year. In “What Is The Relationship Between Turnover Rate and Returns?” we learned that having a turnover rate under 15% might be worth as much as 2.21%. It...
4 questions you should ask about your PortfolioCenter backup plan
Have you reviewed your backup plan lately? Here are 4 questions you should ask.
Should I upgrade to Windows 10?
While the free Windows 10 upgrade offer is enticing, don’t upgrade yet. And don’t get excited, businesses don’t qualify for the free offer.