Krisan’s BackOffice Articles
These articles from Krisan’s BackOffice, Inc (1993-2024). They are no longer being updated and the information may be out of date.
Getting CUSIPs into PortfolioCenter to file Form13F
HELP! How can I find CUSIPs for the securities we currently hold and how can I get them into PortfolioCenter?
4 Reasons income on a PortfolioCenter performance report may not match the Income Report
The total income on the Portfolio Performance Review may not match the total income on the Income Report. Here are 4 reasons why.
PortfolioCenter Position Performance Summary appears to duplicate cash flows
Why does the Position Performance Summary in PortfolioCenter appear to duplicate additions and withdrawals? It includes internal movements of cash.
Complying with the SEC custody rule to compare PortfolioCenter reports to statements
Here is some standard text to help you comply with SEC Question IV.2 custody rule and how to use that text in PortfolioCenter.
What is the Money Balances on the Billing Summary report?
On the Billing Summary Report, does the Money Balances column display the cash balance in the the billing account?
Why don’t long term gains appear on the Income Report in PortfolioCenter?
None of the Long Term Gains in a portfolio appear on the PortfolioCenter Income report. Am I doing something wrong?
How to justify PortfolioCenter fee calculations in an SEC Audit
The PortfolioCenter value is usually higher than the statement value. What can you tell an SEC auditor other than “the downloads made me do it”?
PortfolioCenter Reports Gain/loss Mismatch
Comparing the gain/loss on PortfolioCenter performance reports to the gain/loss on tax reports is comparing apples and oranges. The numbers almost never match. Here’s why.
Google Name Change and C Shares spinoff
The Google stock dividend changed the historic symbol, creating a problem for PortfolioCenter users. Here’s help.
What is UAC and how to disable it
Receiving “User Access Control” warnings when working with PortfolioCenter? Here’s what they are and how to stop them.
3 ways to handle the Performance Inception date in PortfolioCenter
If you want accurate performance returns, the Performance Inception date must be correct. There are only three possibilities.