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If you’re considering outsourcing, check out this article in Investment News:

Outsourcing peripheral tasks lets advisers focus on growth, clients

By Andrew Osterland, June 19, 2011

When David Marotta started his advisory practice in 2000, he was tempted to get involved with the design of its website and the deployment of software and computer resources for the office. After all, he has been a computer scientist before becoming an investment adviser. “It’s what I used to do for a living and I still think of myself as a software engineer,” said Mr. Marotta, who runs Marotta Wealth Management Inc. in Charlottesville, Virgnia.

But he hired someone outside the firm to do the website design. He also eventually found someone to handle the payroll. And he left the performance reporting and billing to his wife, Krisan, who runs her own business [Krisan’s BackOffice, Inc.] doing performance reporting for investment managers.

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