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PortfolioCenter Report Disclaimers

“Disclaimers” are footers printed on the last page of the reports you send to clients.  Typically, they contain your “fine print” or “legalese,”  but they are limited only by your needs and tolerance for paper – and which licenses you have.

PortfolioCenter allows two basic disclaimers which can be assigned to individual accounts, groups or both, and turned on/off specific reports:

PERFORMANCE which can be printed on any PortfolioCenter performance report, and
STANDARD which can be printed on any non-performance report in PortfolioCenter.

The Enhanced Reporting Module license (in addition to other benefits) adds the ability to create an unlimited number of report disclaimers which can be mixed and matched to specific reports, individual accounts and groups.

Here are some great ways to use disclaimers.

For Standard Reports:

  • The data contained in these reports is compiled from statements provided by Brokerage Firms, Banks, etc. and while believed to be accurate is not warranted as such.
  • You will receive an account statement on at least a quarterly basis directly from the qualified custodian that holds and maintains your assets. You are urged to carefully review all custodial statements and compare them to the statement provided by COMPANY. COMPANY’s statement may vary from the custodial statement based on accounting procedures, reporting dates, or valuation methodologies of certain securities. Please contact us if you have any questions.
  • You are urged to compare your custodian’s account statements with these investment reports.

For Performance reports:

  • The market value on this report may vary slightly from the market value shown on your brokerage statement. This occurs because some mutual funds may be late in distributing monthly dividends.
  • The performance produced herein is calculated by PortfolioCenter performance software utilizing custodian data downloads and manually entered material. Although we take every precaution to ensure accuracy, we are not able to guarantee complete accuracy.
  • Investment rates of return apply only to the period of this report. They do not predict future rates of return.
  • Past performance is not indicative of future results.

For Tax Reports:

  • This report is based on information concerning your original purchases and reinvestments. It is provided in response to your request and with best efforts, but is not a substitute for tax information which normally comes from an accountant or the Custodian that holds your investments.
  • There may be discrepancies between this report and 1099s provided by your brokerage firms. The 1099s are the official record and should be used for tax purposes.

Depending on your settings:

  • Managed and unmanaged holdings are combined on this report.
  • Unmanaged assets are omitted from performance reports.
  • Closed account are included in order to compute historical performance.
  • Information on annuities and accounts not held at BROKER may not be accurate as of the date of this report.

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