PortfolioCenter Summer 2011 Presentations Package

For those of you with a license for the Enhanced Reporting module, the Summer 2011 Client Presentation package is out.  You must be running the latest version of PortfolioCenter (5.2.400.2) to install this package.  You can download the package from the following link.  Instructions for installing it are on the download page.  But beware, the download does not work with Firefox;  you must use Internet Explorer.


According to the release notes, the Summer 2011 package includes new templates, so you can:

  • Choose the Asset Allocation formats that work for you.
  • Select a Components of Change layout from a wider array of options.
  • Access two new options from the list of available Date-Range Collections.
  • Choose from three new pages: Portrait graphical performance page; Consolidated position performance summary page; and Holdings page with selectable columns.

In PortfolioCenter, you can check to make sure you have the latest report package by opening the Presentation Studio, select View, Installed Packages.  If your version is 119, you have the latest.

Need help customizing reports in the Presentation Studio?  Contact us