by Krisan Marotta | Jun 10, 2014 | KBO, Reporting
In finance, yield is typically a measure of the amount of cash that a security produces for its owner. However, the term is often used to refer to different mathematical formulas in different situations. According to Investopedia, yield is: The income return on an...
by Krisan Marotta | May 19, 2014 | KBO, Performance
PortfolioCenter provides two main performance calculations: Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Time-Weighted Rate of Return (TWR). What’s the difference? IRR measures the overall growth of the portfolio. If your goal is to reach a $1 million by age 65, IRR...
by Krisan Marotta | Apr 29, 2014 | KBO, Reporting
Q.On the Billing Summary Report, does the Money Balances column display the cash balance in the account that the billing account — that is the account the fee is taken from? A.Good question, I had to go double check to make sure. Unfortunately, the money...
by Krisan Marotta | Apr 22, 2014 | KBO, Presentation Studio
I received this rather intimidating error while running a Presentation Studio batch print job in PortfolioCenter: Error building presentations – [Compilation of client presentation failed [‘System.Windows.Data.BindingExpression’ value cannot be...
by Krisan Marotta | Apr 17, 2014 | KBO, Reporting
Q.I ran a the Portfolio Performance Review for the last calendar year and the Income Report for the same year on the same portfolio. The total income on the performance report does not match the total income on the Income Report. What’s wrong with my data?...