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Confused about the various files available for the Schwab Interface?  There are 3 different types – all of which still work in the Schwab Interface for PortfolioCenter.

What is the difference?

  • Core files — are the newest files (available since 5.9) and contain the most data, meaning you need to spend less time manually correcting transactions. Their biggest benefit is more reliable cost basis information.
  • Enhanced files — contain more information that Standard files and less information than Core files.  Their biggest benefit is allowing reconciliation up to 5 decimal places.
  • Standard files — are the original data files.  They contain the least information and none of the new enhancements.

Feature Comparison

Feature Core
Number of decimal places reconciled 5 5 3
Includes enhanced information such as dividend ex-dates Yes Yes No
Includes actual settlement dates for trades Yes Yes No
Fewer use of temporary security symbols Yes Yes No
Explanatory notes on journal transactions Yes Yes No
Initial position trade lot cost basis information Yes No No

File Names and Extensions

File Type Core
Naming Convention CRSyymmdd.??? PCmmddyy.??? CSmmddyy.???
Security/Price Files .SEC .SLB .PRI/.BAP
Transaction Files .TRN/.BAK .SLT/.BKT .TRN/.BAK
Portfolio Names/Addresses .ACC .SLB .UPD/.BKU
Position/Reconciliation .RPS .SLB .BLD/.BKU
Cost Basis Taxable Accounts .ULT/.UPT .SLB
Cost Basis non-taxable Accounts .ULN/.UPN .SLB
Realized gain/loss Year to date .RLY
Trade Confirmation  .TCF .CNF (retired 2017)
Deposit/Withdrawals Only .DEP (retired May 2018)
Transfer for Asset files .TOA

If you’re still using the Standard files, switch to at least Enhanced files as soon as possible.

If you are tracking cost basis in PortfolioCenter, you should consider migrating to the Core files. However, switching to the Core files will re-write the Schwab interface security map.  Any manually mapped securities need to be remapped as a result.


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