Which PortfolioCenter performance report?

Each PortfolioCenter performance report offers a bewildering variety of format options which determine the level of detail shown on the report.

These detail formats are available on both the “analytical” reports (the original Performance reports in PortfolioCenter) and the new graphical reports in Presentation Studio, with some additional formats available only in Presentation Studio.  How do you choose?

Performance detail formats come in three basic flavors

Because these formats contain the most detailed information, they are best for short time periods (e.g. last 3 months).  If you choose one of these formats on a longer time period, clients may suffer ‘sticker shock’ when they see their accumulated management fees.  In this group, Format 1 offers the most detail and Format 7 offers the least.

Format 1 – offers the most detail of all the formats. Format 2 – resembles Format 1 except it combines un/realized gain/loss information into Capital Appreciation. Format 3 – resembles Format 1 except it omits the subtotals for each category. Format 10 – resembles Format 3 except it combines un/realized gain/loss information into Capital Appreciation. Format 7 – resembles Format 10 except it also aggregates contributions and withdrawals.

Because these formats contain a balance between detail and overview, they tend to please most clients most of the time.  None of them break out management fees, so you don’t have to worry about sticker shock when reporting on long time periods (e.g. last 3 years, last 5 years; since inception).  Format 4 has the most detail, and Format 5 the least.

Format 4 –  contains the most detail in this flavor. Format 6 – resembles Format 4 but it aggregates Contributions and Withdrawals. Format 5 – resembles Format 6 except it aggregates Income and Expenses.

The most plain and simple of the formats, these formats are best when you want performance “at a glance.”  Formats 9 & 13 are the same report with different wording.

Format 8 – provides the most “detail” in this flavor. Format 9 & Format 13 – aggregates the contributions and withdrawals.

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